The grand finale of the Y Rhythm 2024 reality program, organized under the concept of Brigadier Sujeewa Rathnayake , Director of the National Youth Corps, was held on the 17th of December, under the leadership of Hon. Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Sugath Thilakarathna, at the Duncan White Auditorium of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. The event was conducted in an outstanding manner.
Chiran Darshana from the Panduwasnuwara Training Center emerged as the most skilled and popular star of the competition. The second position was secured by Hanshi Anuththara from the Senkadagala Training Center, followed by Sithumini Divyanjali from the Yakkala Training Center in third place. The fourth place was awarded to Ashan Dhananjaya from the Veeraketiya Training Center.
This event was especially significant as it provided the opportunity to discover youth singing stars on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the National Youth Corps. The competition was conducted under the guidance of an experienced panel of judges and was enriched with the colorful performances of the trainees from the Yakkala Aesthetic Training Centre.
Thanks to the contributions from the sponsors, the winners were presented with trophies and prizes.
The event was attended by a large audience, including Hon. Arun Bandara, Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, officials from state and private institutions, Brigadier Sujeewa Rathnayake USP, Psc, IG, Director of the National Youth Corps, additional directors, assistant directors, provincial directors, heads of training centers, youth corps staff, youth trainees, and many others.